Peace Lake Singkarak elegancy

I would like to invite relatives to roam where is very elegant, beautiful, peaceful, beautiful and green place. Presumably not yet complete tour visit if you have not yet predict natural painting this one, is a natural basin that be drowned very clear water with fish decorations fish roam nan peace and quiet of Lake Singkarak.

With 107.8 KM2 Lake Singkarak is the second widest lake on the island of sumatera after Lake Toba in North Sumatera. in addition, the natural beauty, cool air and the water is clear inchantment of Lake Singkarak so so special to visit. Lake Singkarak sweep in the two districts in West Sumatera, Kabupaten Solok and Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Lake Singkarak is upstream frome the Ombilin River and Anai River. Water to Anai River flowed through tunnels cut through the Bukit Barisan and used to drive generator PLTA Singkarak.
Lake that lies in the altitudes of 392.5 m from the sea surface has a unique species of fish. This fish only lives in Lake Singkarak. Local people call the "fish Bilih" (Mystacoleuseus padangensis). This fish can only lives in they original habitat, both in aquarium, swimming, even in the nets that float in the Lake Singkarak though.

For You who want to enjoy Lake Singkarak, provided the boat tour and a traditional boat. Water clarity and elegance Lake Singkarak can be perceived from the boat with a relatively low cost. There is an traditional event boat race for regional and national level.
believe your visit to Lake Singakarak will not smoke anymore especially if you enjoy Lika bay road. Singakarak Lake is surrounded by rice paddy fields of the tiered green, the surging of the hill, the building houses bagonjong which estetik and the lake wind soothing.


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